Chimera Song Mosaic
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I just wrapped some beetroot up in foil and roasted the aluminum balls in the oven. After they had cooled (the kitchen smelling like hot dirt), they slipped right out of their skins, leaving behind pools of inky cool magenta. It made me want to stain something (other than my fingertips and the dishtowel) right then. It made me wish I were a prehistoric painter or cloth dyer. It made me wish I had no other medium but the beet ink to communicate my aesthetic, not this blog, but some animal skins or broadcloth. But this is much easier. So I just chopped them up and stored them in preparation for a cream of beetroot soup that I'm making tomorrow for Valentine's Day. Didn't I miss Valentine's Day already? Oh yes, but I was so exhausted after shopping in an unfamiliar grocery store that I had to go home and nap while the beets were roasting in the oven. And the taste: silky, like refined earth. When I cut one open, it looked like a black pink vegetable kidney with paler branches and discrete nephron pigments.

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